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Healing Tips for PTSD

Dr. Laura Tanzini

For those who live through a traumatic experience, the events that caused the trauma may end while leaving resounding impacts that continue to effect mental wellness for years to come. Researchers and care providers are still working to understand post-traumatic stress disorder, as its exact causes and ramifications can be somewhat elusive. Fortunately, as knowledge of PTSD has evolved, so too have treatment methods. No longer is treatment confined to only medication. PTSD treatment can include many other novel tactics that produce positive outcomes for patients.

There are many specific techniques currently in use in residential mental health facilities that can help sufferers of this debilitating condition cope with their symptoms and restore their quality of life. Though curing PTSD altogether may be difficult, patients can learn healing techniques that allow them to better cope with their conditions. Keep reading to learn more about some of the tips that have proven useful for patients who are coping with PTSD.

Get Moving

Those who suffer from the effects of PTSD need movement more than the average person for mental, emotional, and physiological reasons. It’s easy to feel hopeless when you feel disengaged from the world around you. Undertaking a physical activity or hobby can help you redirect your mental state to the pursuit of enjoyable activities instead of dwelling on negative aspects of your condition. Also, in terms of your physiological condition, when you don’t get exposure to sunlight, fresh air, and regular exercise, your body may not produce enough endorphins to help you regulate your mood effectively. Make it a point to move more when experiencing the symptoms of PTSD because that movement will improve your situation on many fronts.

Challenge the Notion of Helplessness

For some who live with PTSD, the feelings of helplessness can be overwhelming. Since PTSD symptoms can make it seem as though you have no control over your own life, it’s important that you find a way to conquer those feelings and take some level of control of your condition. PTSD stems from trauma, and it’s unrealistic to think that those memories can just be wiped away. However, you can learn how to keep them in check by reminding yourself that you’re not helpless and that you have the power to control your own destiny. One tactic that can help you restore your feeling of control and demonstrate your own power is helping others. You can volunteer, donate funds to a worthwhile charity, or develop a mentoring relationship with someone who may be going through a similar situation. By taking action, you’ll be proving to yourself that you have the power to overrule your negative memories and reclaim your quality of life.


It’s common for those suffering from PTSD to recede into a figurative shell when symptoms are at their worst. However, doing that never really helps much, and there’s a lot to be said for embracing the help that others have offered you. Don’t allow yourself to become disconnected from those who you rely upon for support; they’re your allies in the healing process. While you may not wish to enroll in a trauma treatment center, it’s healthy and normal to vent your frustration and talk through your current challenges.

Avoiding reminders of the traumatic event may not be helpful. This prevents patients from coming to terms with what happened and properly processing what they’ve experienced. They’ll keep holding on to their fears and wrong perceptions, which hinders them from functioning well at work and having normal social interactions.

Exposure therapy aims to confront those fears and help patients face their memories in a safe environment. The therapists in anxiety disorder treatment facilities will subject you to certain triggers to desensitize you. This may reduce their impact on your body and emotions. You’ll even be taught how to breathe when you feel anxious.

This method typically lasts around 15 sessions. It can be done through virtual reality tools that immerse you in an environment similar to the one you experienced. It’s especially helpful for people who have flashbacks and nightmares.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

This mainly involves talking as a way of processing the distress a person feels. You’ll speak with your therapist about every detail you can recall. They may also require you to write everything on paper. You’ll even be asked to mention how the negative thoughts have affected your life.

With their aid, you can process your experience and point out any patterns that aren’t beneficial to your recovery. They’ll assist you in objectively assessing the situation and identifying false beliefs that you may have about the traumatic event.

For instance, you may blame yourself for things that were out of your control or worry about the likelihood of the episode happening again. They’ll correct the way you think of these factors, reducing their impact on your mental health.

This rehabilitation program lasts around 3 months. It comprises weekly 60- to 90-minute sessions, which may be used in tandem with exposure therapy.

Live a Healthy Lifestyle

Lifestyle can play a big role not only in mitigating your symptoms but also in improving your overall mental, emotional, and physical health. Stress can exacerbate PTSD, so learn how to best cope with those things that irritate or stress you. Consider meditation, or alternatives to medication like massage, or yoga to help still your mind and provide you with tranquility. Avoid those substances—such as alcohol and drugs—that tend to magnify symptoms of PTSD. Modify your diet to include healthy foods while eliminating processed products that deteriorate your overall health. Make sure that you get adequate sleep as well, as PTSD can rear its head when you become exhausted and your defenses are down.

If you believe you suffer from PTSD, know that finding help can be as easy as typing “PTSD treatment near me,” into your search engine. Professional help can give you the tools you need to control your condition, and the tips above will give you tools for managing it. Contact Kinder in the Keys Treatment Center, the best PTSD treatment center, at (800) 545-4046.
