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The Correlation Between PTSD and Depression

Dr. Laura Tanzini

Mental health is crucial to a person’s wellbeing. There are many mental health challenges that people face every day, PTSD and depression included. Post-traumatic stress disorder and depression often go hand-in-hand, and medical professionals and researchers have long been exploring why. Depression treatment centers are highly knowledgeable when it comes to the correlation between PTSD and depression. This knowledge is critical as 7-8% of the population will have PTSD at some point in their lives. Here’s what you need to know about the relationship between these two conditions that are often co-occurring with one another.

Manifestation of Symptoms

PTSD is characterized by failure to recover or get better after a traumatizing event or experience. PTSD is thankfully becoming more talked about, as veterans and victims of abuse, crime and catastrophes are often impacted by this challenging, debilitating condition. Triggers can bring back the trauma through flashbacks and other difficult symptoms, which may manifest in mental health disorders such as depression. It’s completely normal and to be expected for a person to feel anger, sadness and confusion after a traumatic event, and in many cases these symptoms turn into depression over time.

Find a “Depression Treatment Center Near Me”

The best depression treatment facilities are well-equipped to handle both cases of co-occurring PTSD and major depressive disorder (MDD) and depression as a symptom of PTSD. In the latter, depressive episodes are caused by PTSD and are directly related to that trauma. As experts at major depression treatment centers know, PTSD and depression may be a bit different for everyone. Some people may have sporadic episodes, or predictable times of the year when their PTSD and depression flare up. The more resources that a person has access to can help them to better cope with the realities of PTSD and depression. While these mental health conditions can have a tight grip on one’s life, through the right treatment plan people can take back some control and continue living their lives with less pain, anxiety and depression. Ongoing treatment is often necessary to make sure patients remain on a more positive, promising pathway to improved mental health.

Depression Caused by PTSD

It’s so important for anyone impacted by PTSD and symptoms of the disorder such as depression to get the help they need at the best treatment centers for depression. The licensed doctors and treatment professionals at these centers are happy to help anyone struggling with these mental health conditions. That help can make a huge difference to those who are suffering in silence or by themselves. No matter what, it’s essential to remember that everyone experiences PTSD and depression through a slightly different lens, depending on their lives and what they’ve been through.

While every case may vary, there’s no denying the difficulties that people with PTSD or depression face. Things that others can do every day with ease may be nearly impossible for those affected by PTSD and related depression. With PTSD-related depression, it can be very challenging for people to move forward and get out of their depressive episodes. That’s why they could benefit so much from treatment centers. People of all ages who have PTSD and/or depression can get their lives back with the help of trusted professionals who care about their journey and seeing progress.

Contact Us

If you or someone you love is impacted by PTSD and/or depression, please get in touch with Kinder in the Keys, Inc. to learn more from one of the leaders in major depressive disorder treatment centers.