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Interesting Facts about Social Anxiety

Dr. Laura Tanzini

Social anxiety disorder, also known as social phobia or panic anxiety, is the most common mental health issue in the U.S., and the entire world, according to research studies conducted by the National Institute of Mental Health. However, only around one-third of the victims actually seek panic anxiety disorders treatment. Due to the associated stigma, the victim may become isolated, lack social support, and even develop low self-esteem. Kinder in the Keys, Inc., sheds some light on social anxiety, revealing some facts to remember about this condition.

What Is Social Anxiety Disorder?

Social anxiety is the fear of any social situations that could involve interactions with other members of society. It is the anxiety and fear of being evaluated and judged negatively by other people. It is characterized by excessive and persistent self-consciousness, which can even escalate to a panic attack.

Anxiety-provoking situations include the following:

  • Giving presentations
  • Meeting new people
  • Going to social places like parties
  • Eating in front of people
  • Being criticized or teased, etc.

Symptoms of Social Anxiety Disorder

People with social anxiety may exhibit the following signs:

  • Panic reactions such as shaking, sweating, and shortness of breath
  • Significant impairment or distress, especially when in social places
  • Feeling insecure and embarrassed in front of people
  • Racing heart
  • Dry throat and mouth
  • Muscle twitches

The above is not a comprehensive list, as there are other symptoms as well.

Interesting Social Anxiety Disorder Facts

The following are some key facts about social anxiety disorders that are worth noting:

  • About half of people with anxiety disorders also suffer from depression. This combination escalates the symptoms and makes recovery more difficult. Patients are advised to seek the best treatment for anxiety disorders immediately.
  • Most people with social phobia may live for years with this condition without receiving medical treatment for it. It is a good idea to seek social anxiety disorders treatment immediately if you feel you have this problem.
  • Social anxiety is rarely diagnosed by professionals like psychologists, psychiatrists, and other general practitioners.
  • It is rare to develop social anxiety disorder after the age of 25.
  • Social phobia negatively affects education, social functioning, family life, close relationships, and even work. Those that suffer from a social phobia may end up dropping out of school, being unemployed, and even settling for jobs below their educational capabilities.
  • More women than men suffer from social anxiety disorders. Interestingly, more men than women seek generalized anxiety disorders treatment, probably due to social expectations and gender roles.
  • People with social anxiety disorders may also suffer from other anxiety disorders, such as depression, and substance abuse disorders.
  • Social anxiety is more than just being shy, as most people may think. It leads to a significant reduction in the affected person’s quality of life.
  • Some individuals may experience social anxiety triggered by cold weather, as it often leads to heightened isolation and discomfort
  • Although social phobia is commonly treated with antidepressants, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) has proven to be more effective.
  • While most people with social disorder think their friends or strangers are looking down on them or judging them, in some cases, it could be interesting to note that your friends and even strangers actually like you and appreciate you more than you imagine, and they have positive thoughts and feelings towards you.
  • The situation is not as bad as you think. You may overestimate your symptoms and feel that everyone can see your anxiety, but that may not always be the case..

People need to view social anxiety just like any other disorder that needs treatment. It is best to visit treatment centers for anxiety disorders to improve your quality of life. Visit Kinder in the Keys, Inc., today for the best treatment for anxiety disorders.