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5 Fascinating Facts about Anxiety Disorders

Dr. Laura Tanzini

Anxiety disorders affect more than 18% of American adults, and as many as 30% of those people never seek treatment. When your anxiety starts interfering with your ability to live a happy, productive, and fulfilling life, it is important to remember that you don’t have to suffer alone. Effective treatments are available and seeking the help you need can help you completely turn your life around. Read on to debunk some common myths about anxiety disorders and potential treatments.

Fact 1: Anxiety Is the Umbrella, but There Are Many Specific Disorders

While many people think of anxiety as a specific diagnosis, there are actually many different kinds of anxiety disorders. Anxiety is the general term or umbrella that these disorders fall under, with general anxiety disorder (GAD) being the most common. Other anxiety disorders include social anxiety disorder, panic disorders, phobic disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, separation anxiety disorder, major depressive disorder, and more. While it is completely normal to feel some anxiousness or nervousness in your life, if you feel like you spend a significant amount of your time worrying or obsessing, it might be worth looking into.

Fact 2: Women Have Twice the Risk

Women are twice as susceptible to anxiety as men. With the exception of PTSD, women are diagnosed with all anxiety disorders twice as often as men, and they tend to see the onset of these disorders at a younger age.

Fact 3: Anxiety Disorders Are the Most Common Mental Disorder in the US

According to the ADAA (Anxiety and Depression Association of America), over 40 million American adults are affected by anxiety. That is more than any other mental disorder. The most common anxiety disorder is GAD, followed by social anxiety disorder and major depressive disorder. On the plus side, because anxiety disorders are so common, there are many treatment options available to help you live your life.

Fact 4: Anxiety Is Often Tied to Physical Illnesses

First, anxiety disorders often have physical manifestations that accompany the mental stress. Stomach aches, sleeplessness, and increased blood pressure are common examples of ways that anxiety shows up in the body. Not only are there often physical symptoms of anxiety, but anxiety is also tied to other physical illnesses or disorders. Depression, substance abuse, chronic health conditions, heart disorders, gastrointestinal problems, and many other disorders are directly linked to anxiety. The mind-body connection is widely acknowledged by health professionals, so it makes sense that mental and physical disorders are often linked and should be treated in tandem.

Fact 5: There Is No One-Size-Fits-All-Approach to Treating Anxiety

Depending on your specific diagnosis, triggers, and personal preferences, there are many different treatment options available to help with your anxiety disorder. Some of the best treatments for anxiety disorders include psychotherapy, medication, yoga, meditation, practicing effective coping strategies, and more. There is no one “right” answer to help with anxiety disorders, and the help of a trained professional can be invaluable when coming up with a personalized approach that works for your specific situation.

For questions about anxiety or to seek help at an anxiety disorder treatment center, set up an appointment with the experts at Kinder in the Keys today!
