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Managing Depression and Work

Dr. Laura Tanzini

Living with major depressive disorder (MDD) can make everyday life a little bit harder. You may experience fatigue, sadness, and a loss of interest in the things that once made you happy. Though you may be able to manage your symptoms while at home, depression doesn’t just go away when you’re at the office. Even with the right treatment, it can take time before you start to feel like yourself again. To help you manage your depression while at work, use the tips below.

Seek Treatment

First and foremost, talk to a doctor about your symptoms. They may suggest a visit to one of the best major depressive disorder treatment centers in your area so you can start a treatment plan that works for you. Typically, MDD is treated with the use of antidepressants and psychotherapy. Finding the right prescription for you may take some trial and error. However, once you have the right medication, work will begin to feel a lot more bearable.

Prioritize Yourself

Though your career is important, it should not take precedence over your mental health. You won’t be able to meet your deadlines or produce your best work if you are unmotivated and unable to focus on the task at hand. Don’t be afraid to take a mental health day or two to recuperate. You’ll feel much better and perform better if you head to your workplace with more energy and a positive disposition.

Have a Plan

Create a plan of action to enact when the symptoms of your depression arise. When your job becomes overwhelming, try to find a private area in the building where you can be alone and take a few deep breaths. If you have difficulty concentrating during a depressive episode, try breaking down large projects into more manageable pieces and taking a break after completing each step. You could also designate a few vacation days for days when you don’t feel you can make it to the office or, if possible, work remotely.

Get Enough Rest

Sleep is extremely important to your mental health, and depression can mess up your sleep schedule. To put your best foot forward every day, try to sleep for at least seven to nine hours every night, weekends included.


Working out regularly has also been shown to ease the symptoms of depression. It can help to reduce anxiety, boost your mood, and help you to feel more relaxed. Try to set aside some time every day to do yoga, go for a bike ride, or just take a walk around the block.

Manage Your Stress

With deadlines and mounting responsibilities, work will always be stressful. But, when you have major depressive disorder, those pressures are magnified. Set aside time every day to unwind and de-stress. If you feel overwhelmed at the office, shut the door to your office and take some deep breaths or get up from your desk and walk around for a few minutes. When you get home, you can relax by meditating, doing yoga, journaling, or doing anything else that helps reduce your anxiety.

To learn more about treatment for major depressive disorder or to schedule an appointment, contact us at Kinder in the Keys today.
