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How to Support a Depressed or Anxious Family Member

Dr. Laura Tanzini

When someone you love suffers from depression or anxiety, everyday life can be a struggle for them. Your support and understanding can make a huge difference on their road to recovery. But where can you begin? Use the tips below to help your depressed or anxious family member on their way to coping with and overcoming their condition.

Understand Depression and Anxiety

The first step is trying to understand what your loved one is going through and how they feel. Read about anxiety and depression online and learn all you can about the signs, symptoms, and treatment options available. Once you have a better understanding of these serious mental health problems, you can better empathize with your family member.

Encourage Them to Get Help

Though you cannot control someone else’s recovery, you can encourage them to seek the help they need. Many people who suffer from depression and anxiety don’t seek treatment, largely because of the nature of the condition. They may be too tired or unmotivated to find a doctor or they may believe their situation is hopeless and treatment would not benefit them. Therefore, your continued support is essential. Help them to find a depression treatment center in your area and encourage them to do everything they can to help themselves.

Support Their Treatment

Your assistance shouldn’t end once the person you love begins treatment; they will need your love and support now more than ever. Treatment for depression and anxiety can be taxing both physically and emotionally. Being compassionate and patient is essential for the success of the treatment. Offer to help in any way you can, whether it be by driving them to the treatment facility or just listening when they want to talk.

Take Care of Yourself

You cannot help your family member or be your best self if you do not take care of yourself first. Though your intentions are pure, you won’t be any good to your friend or family member if you crumble under the pressure of trying to help them. Take the time you need for self-care, so you can present your best self to support your loved one.

Contact us today at Kinder in the Keys to learn more about treatment for depression and anxiety and how you can aid someone who is struggling.