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How to Explain PTSD to Your Doctor

Dr. Laura Tanzini

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is, in many ways, an evolving healthcare concern. It’s primarily diagnosed in soldiers who experienced war but has quickly been recognized as a consequence of other and multiple forms of trauma. All that said, if you think you suffer from PTSD and need to explain how it, can you describe the symptoms to your primary care physician to get the best treatment? As you undergo care from the best PTSD treatment center available, here’s how you can better describe your symptoms to your doctor.

Share as Much as You Can

No two people with PTSD have the same symptoms. In fact, PTSD affects most people differently. If you do not relate a laundry list of symptoms you experience, any diagnosis runs the risk of being incomplete. It’s vital that you be upfront and straightforward so that your PTSD treatments center personnel can accurately diagnose and treat your condition. One strategy is to have your mental health professional discuss your case with your primary care physician.

Document Your Symptoms

Maintain a notebook where you put down in writing every symptom you experience. Include symptoms that might not be a result of PTSD. Document how each symptom affects your daily routine and life. Include any resulting consequences of the symptoms. The more detailed picture you present, the better the chances of gaining an accurate diagnosis and treatment regimen.

Include All Medications

With many pharmaceuticals that help us, we run the risk that those medications conflict with each other. The best case result when this happens is that one or the other or both are rendered useless. The worst case can be everything from poisoning to death. It’s vital that you record every medication you are taking and make sure your mental health professional and primary care professional review the list.

Your treatment for PTSD cannot end with a web search of “PTSD treatment near me.” Check out the best PTSD treatment center you can find, by all means, but keep in mind your treatment has to be comprehensive, which includes coordinating with your primary care physician. For more information, contact Kinder in the Keys.
