The below quiz has been developed using the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), one of the most widely used tools for measuring the severity of depression.
For the most accurate result, answer the questions as honestly as possible. Your answers are not being stored and this quiz is anonymous.
Your assessment indicates you may suffer from extreme depression. Contact a healthcare provider immediately.
Your assessment indicates you may suffer from severe depression. Contact a healthcare provider immediately.
Your assessment indicates you may suffer from moderate depression. Contact a healthcare provider to seek help.
Your assessment indicates you may suffer from borderline clinical depression. Contact a healthcare provider to seek help.
Your assessment indicates you may suffer from mild mood disturbance. Contact a healthcare provider to seek help.
These ups and downs are considered normal.
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Developed by Dr. Aaron T. Beck, The Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) consists of 21 questions, each addressing a specific symptom or attitude related to depression. These questions cover a range of emotional, cognitive, and physical symptoms, from sadness and pessimism to fatigue and sleep disturbances.
The BDI’s straightforward format allows individuals to complete it independently, offering them privacy and autonomy in managing their mental health.
However, it’s crucial to remember that while the BDI is a powerful tool for self-assessment, it does not replace professional diagnosis and treatment.
Instead, it should prompt further discussion with a healthcare provider, guiding the path to appropriate care and support.
The BDI operates on a point system, where each response is assigned a score from 0 to 3, reflecting the intensity or frequency of the symptoms experienced.
The total score, a sum of all reactions, then falls into one of several categories indicating the depression’s severity: minimal, mild, moderate, or severe.
The BDI is often administered in a way that ensures your answers remain anonymous, allowing you to express your true feelings without concern for judgment or exposure. This level of privacy encourages a frank and truthful reflection on your symptoms.
These examples illustrate the BDI’s range in evaluating the emotional, cognitive, and physical dimensions of depression: